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Past Works


TV, Video/ Live and Recorded Appearances

(NY), NYCTV- 74 (2000), WABC (1998)
(MA), Channel 2 (WGBH) [1978, 1982, 1999]/    Channel 44 [1980]
(RI)  Channel 6 [1991, 1992, 1994]   Channel 10 [1985, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2005]
Channel 12 [1996]     Channel 36 [1990, 1996]  (SC)  Channel  8 [1984]
(Canada)  CBC [1987], (Hong Kong) ATV- 1991

Feature Films

’By a Thread’ [1992]
‘Anima’ [1997] Numerous awards .(‘Best Picture’ Newport Film Festival, Gold Medal- Best Feature- Flagstaff Film Fest., Best Original Story: N.E. Film Fest., Special Award for Originality: Huntington Int. Fest

‘Tanner Hall’ [2008].



  • Opera Delaware[1992] (Full sized working Triceratops construction)[Operatic version of ‘The Enormous Egg”] (Reopened: [2003])

  • ‘Die Fledermaus’ [2006] Hired as set designer and performer. Designed ‘animated’ sets. Small puppet part. Paladium Theater, St.Petersburg, Florida.

  • International Festivals

  • Southeast Puppetry Festival [North Carolina] [2004]

  • Northeast Regional Puppetry Festival [Arlington, Virginia] [‘2000]

  • Wolf Trap, VA (3 years) [1985, 1986, 1988]

  • Providence, RI [1987]

  • Hong Kong [1991]

Specialty Performances
(Including Puppets, Sets, Props)

  • Peter Pan- Moses Brown School, Providence, RI (Flying puppets and Shadow) [2012]‘Die Fledermaus’ St. Petersburg, FL Opera Company (Set Designer) [2006]

  • Goethe’s Faust’ Part 1 & 2 Aurea musicians/ Nigel Gore et al Prov., RI [2006]

  • A Victorian Christmas’ (Robert J. Lurtsema) (At Radcliffe College, MA) [1989]

Debussy’s ‘La Boite´ A Joux Jou’


  • (Peter Frankle on Piano at the Breakers - The Newport Classical Music Fest.) [1978]

  • with The Manchester, CT Symphony Orchestra at Manchester High School.) [1998]

  • Prokoviev’s ‘Cinderella Suite’ With the Arlington, MA Symphony Orch. [1988]

  • With the Manchester Symphony Orchestra [2000]

Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du Soldat

  • Robert J.Lurtsema and the Hop River musicians, Columbia, CT [1995]

  • RJ Lurtsema and The St. Petersburg Chamber Ensemble Worcester, MA [1997-98]

  • Lurtsema and Musicians from Salem, MA [1996]

  • Lurtsema, Pro Arté, Gisèle Ben-Dor conduct./ Sanders Theater, Harvard, MA [1999]

  • RI Philharmonic Orchestra, Francisco Noya conducting, Nigel Gore narrating [2000]

  • RI Philharmonic Orchestra, Francisco Noya, Nigel Gore  5 performances- [2001]

  • Famed Class. Series, Clark Univ., Worcester, MA [St. Petersburg Chamber]. [2002]

  • Brockton Symphony Orch., Nigel Gore, Brockton, MA. [April 2003]

  • Dwight-Englewood, NJ- John Littlefield [2011]


Specialty Tours

Performance and Adult Res./ Courtney, BC (2 weeks) [2010]
Performance and Children res. /Nunavut Int. festival, Iqaluit, CA [2009]
Perf and Adult Residency/ Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada  (2 wks) [2002]
Residency/ Perf. Pelly Bay, Nunavut, Canada (3 wks) [1999]
Comm. Concerts Tour: CA, AZ, NV, NE, KS, CO, MT, ID, WA, OR (6 weeks) [1995]
North Slope Inupiat villages of Alaska (one month each year) [1992 & 1993]
The Islands of Hong Kong (one month) [1991]
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada (4 week tour) [1987]
South Carolina (6 week tour) [1984]
Guadalajara, Mexico (2 weeks) [1982]



  • Northern NH Arts Alliance, ‘Keynote Speaker’/ Breton Woods, NH [2011]

  • Pecha Kucha speech on Wheelchair Theaters, Providence, RI [2010]

  • Providence Children’s Museum [“Interaction of Artist with Museum”] [‘01]

  • New England Theater Conference/ Worcester, MA [ ‘97]

  • Emerson College: [Fall of ‘96]

  • Schools all over the United States (Private, Public, Secondary and College) [‘88 to ’13]

  • Museums/ Interactive Exhibits

  • Toys and Games Gallery show including Hasbro new Animatronic Chimp [2006]

  • Drawing exhibit of Butterworth drawings and large Center Construct. [2005]

  • Pawtucket Visitor Center Gallery- ‘Art Machines’ (22 Artists/ boxed interactive art) Directed by Dan Butterworth, with intro machine Butterworth creation [2004]

  • Pawtucket Vistor Center Retrospective 20 years of Butterworth Marionettes/ Props/ Sets/ Gallery exhibit/ performances/ interactive [2002, 2003]

  • Prov. Children’s Museum RI Permanent exhibit extolling Dan Butterworth career [2000] . Extensive interactive displays (marionettes in case/ wall mounts)

  • St. Louis Children’s Museum. Marionettes for interactive work with visitors.[1998]

  • Fairs/ Festivals/ Educational Residencies

  • All over the US and Canada. Large festivals with Giant Interactive Puppets. Many  with Back Pack Puppets for fair goers to wear/ Circus Cycle for transporting puppets

Awards/ Memberships


  • Pell Award for excellence in the arts. June 2005. Prestigious award to artists for career work. This year also to Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis (posthumously).

  • Honorary Member, Art League of Rhode Island. January of 2007.

  • Society of artists promoting art and art education regionally.

  • Unima (Union Internationale de la Marionette) and Puppeteers of America

  • Grants (From Rhode Island State Council on the Arts- latest for Wheelchair Theaters - 2010).

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