TV, Video/ Live and Recorded Appearances
(NY), NYCTV- 74 (2000), WABC (1998)
(MA), Channel 2 (WGBH) [1978, 1982, 1999]/ Channel 44 [1980]
(RI) Channel 6 [1991, 1992, 1994] Channel 10 [1985, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2005]
Channel 12 [1996] Channel 36 [1990, 1996] (SC) Channel 8 [1984]
(Canada) CBC [1987], (Hong Kong) ATV- 1991
Feature Films
’By a Thread’ [1992]
‘Anima’ [1997] Numerous awards .(‘Best Picture’ Newport Film Festival, Gold Medal- Best Feature- Flagstaff Film Fest., Best Original Story: N.E. Film Fest., Special Award for Originality: Huntington Int. Fest
‘Tanner Hall’ [2008].
Opera Delaware[1992] (Full sized working Triceratops construction)[Operatic version of ‘The Enormous Egg”] (Reopened: [2003])
‘Die Fledermaus’ [2006] Hired as set designer and performer. Designed ‘animated’ sets. Small puppet part. Paladium Theater, St.Petersburg, Florida.
International Festivals
Southeast Puppetry Festival [North Carolina] [2004]
Northeast Regional Puppetry Festival [Arlington, Virginia] [‘2000]
Wolf Trap, VA (3 years) [1985, 1986, 1988]
Providence, RI [1987]
Hong Kong [1991]
Specialty Performances
(Including Puppets, Sets, Props)
Peter Pan- Moses Brown School, Providence, RI (Flying puppets and Shadow) [2012]‘Die Fledermaus’ St. Petersburg, FL Opera Company (Set Designer) [2006]
Goethe’s Faust’ Part 1 & 2 Aurea musicians/ Nigel Gore et al Prov., RI [2006]
A Victorian Christmas’ (Robert J. Lurtsema) (At Radcliffe College, MA) [1989]
Debussy’s ‘La Boite´ A Joux Jou’
(Peter Frankle on Piano at the Breakers - The Newport Classical Music Fest.) [1978]
with The Manchester, CT Symphony Orchestra at Manchester High School.) [1998]
Prokoviev’s ‘Cinderella Suite’ With the Arlington, MA Symphony Orch. [1988]
With the Manchester Symphony Orchestra [2000]
Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du Soldat
Robert J.Lurtsema and the Hop River musicians, Columbia, CT [1995]
RJ Lurtsema and The St. Petersburg Chamber Ensemble Worcester, MA [1997-98]
Lurtsema and Musicians from Salem, MA [1996]
Lurtsema, Pro Arté, Gisèle Ben-Dor conduct./ Sanders Theater, Harvard, MA [1999]
RI Philharmonic Orchestra, Francisco Noya conducting, Nigel Gore narrating [2000]
RI Philharmonic Orchestra, Francisco Noya, Nigel Gore 5 performances- [2001]
Famed Class. Series, Clark Univ., Worcester, MA [St. Petersburg Chamber]. [2002]
Brockton Symphony Orch., Nigel Gore, Brockton, MA. [April 2003]
Dwight-Englewood, NJ- John Littlefield [2011]
Specialty Tours
Performance and Adult Res./ Courtney, BC (2 weeks) [2010]
Performance and Children res. /Nunavut Int. festival, Iqaluit, CA [2009]
Perf and Adult Residency/ Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada (2 wks) [2002]
Residency/ Perf. Pelly Bay, Nunavut, Canada (3 wks) [1999]
Comm. Concerts Tour: CA, AZ, NV, NE, KS, CO, MT, ID, WA, OR (6 weeks) [1995]
North Slope Inupiat villages of Alaska (one month each year) [1992 & 1993]
The Islands of Hong Kong (one month) [1991]
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada (4 week tour) [1987]
South Carolina (6 week tour) [1984]
Guadalajara, Mexico (2 weeks) [1982]
Northern NH Arts Alliance, ‘Keynote Speaker’/ Breton Woods, NH [2011]
Pecha Kucha speech on Wheelchair Theaters, Providence, RI [2010]
Providence Children’s Museum [“Interaction of Artist with Museum”] [‘01]
New England Theater Conference/ Worcester, MA [ ‘97]
Emerson College: [Fall of ‘96]
Schools all over the United States (Private, Public, Secondary and College) [‘88 to ’13]
Museums/ Interactive Exhibits
Toys and Games Gallery show including Hasbro new Animatronic Chimp [2006]
Drawing exhibit of Butterworth drawings and large Center Construct. [2005]
Pawtucket Visitor Center Gallery- ‘Art Machines’ (22 Artists/ boxed interactive art) Directed by Dan Butterworth, with intro machine Butterworth creation [2004]
Pawtucket Vistor Center Retrospective 20 years of Butterworth Marionettes/ Props/ Sets/ Gallery exhibit/ performances/ interactive [2002, 2003]
Prov. Children’s Museum RI Permanent exhibit extolling Dan Butterworth career [2000] . Extensive interactive displays (marionettes in case/ wall mounts)
St. Louis Children’s Museum. Marionettes for interactive work with visitors.[1998]
Fairs/ Festivals/ Educational Residencies
All over the US and Canada. Large festivals with Giant Interactive Puppets. Many with Back Pack Puppets for fair goers to wear/ Circus Cycle for transporting puppets
Awards/ Memberships
Pell Award for excellence in the arts. June 2005. Prestigious award to artists for career work. This year also to Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis (posthumously).
Honorary Member, Art League of Rhode Island. January of 2007.
Society of artists promoting art and art education regionally.
Unima (Union Internationale de la Marionette) and Puppeteers of America
Grants (From Rhode Island State Council on the Arts- latest for Wheelchair Theaters - 2010).