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About Butterworth 

Butterworth Productions is the dynamic puppet and prop company founded by the one and only Dan Butterworth. Butterworth is a veteran of the puppet industry for many years and is happy to design custom works and performances for your entertainment & educational needs. Butterworth has been producing props, puppets, movie sets, carnival & circus displays, special events, musicals, plays and hosting classes and seminars professionally for over 30 years. Innovative, fun, interactive, stimulating, physical live art & performance to inspire young & adult minds at the same time. Finding solutions and designs that mystify and amaze, some of the things that are created here make dreams come true literally. Dedicated to community theater and performance, Butterworth carves out a little space for heaven on earth with his practical inventions. Weather it be developing a sustainable puppet & theater presence in the Antarctic or creating wheelchair theater stations and props. Butterworth will deliver every time. Creating custom solutions for disabled students and adults to participate in theater productions at the most interactive levels was a thing that needed to be done. Naturally making the impossible possible once again. Butterworth Theater Chairs & Butterworthy Wheelchair Stations are designed with the individuals measurements and wishes as the framework. Chair abilities and add ons are constructed and installed to take an ordinary chair with wheels and make it into a positive presence to any environment. Butterworth Productions is proud to add a wonderful element of magic, mystery, mysticism & fun to any production.

Have Butterworth Productions perform at your school, special event or in your town or city and share an experience with your friends and family that you will talk about and remember forever.

Butterworth’s puppetry has taken him from performing locally at fairs and schools to an international career, leading large scale educational workshops, appearing in operas and classical music festivals, film, and television. He picks varied projects, often which involve collaboration, such as constructing a puppet theater around an adult tricycle, helping to create an Inuit show in Nunavut, Canada, and designing sets for the St. Petersburg, Florida production of Strauss’ comic opera “Die Fledermaus”

His work, breathing intellectual life into this elegant, sometimes underrated art form, has not gone without notice. He has been supported by the National Foundation for the Arts since 1979, and in 2005 he was honored with the Pell Award for Excellence in the Arts, for which he humbly allowed his puppets to take the bow. The grand sets, articulated special effects, and puppet staging surround the exquisitely moving marionettes and shadow puppets as they draw all into the world of Dan Butterworth. Dan has also produced hundreds of pen and ink drawings, some of which are precursors to his imaginative marionettes.

Artscope Magazine'

© 2018 Butterworth Productions. Powered By Studioblue

Tel: 1 401 568 4251

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